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Ask for help on the Discussions board

If you're looking for help with your code, consider posting a question on the Langflow GitHub Discussions board. The Langflow team cannot provide individual support via email. The team also believes that help is much more valuable if it's shared publicly, so that more people can benefit from it.

Since the Discussions board is public, please follow this guidance when posting your code questions.

  • When describing your issue, try to provide as many details as possible. What exactly goes wrong? How is it failing? Is there an error? "XY doesn't work" usually isn't that helpful for tracking down problems. Always remember to include the code you ran and if possible, extract only the relevant parts and don't just dump your entire script. This will make it easier for us to reproduce the error.

  • When you include long code, logs, or tracebacks, wrap them in <details> and </details> tags. This collapses the content so the contents only becomes visible on click, making the issue easier to read and follow.
