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Experimental Run Flow

Executes a specified flow by ID with optional input values, output selection, tweaks, and streaming capability.

This endpoint supports running flows with caching to enhance performance and efficiency.


  • flow_id (str): The unique identifier of the flow to be executed.
  • inputs (List[InputValueRequest], optional): A list of inputs specifying the input values and components for the flow. Each input can target specific components and provide custom values.
  • outputs (List[str], optional): A list of output names to retrieve from the executed flow. If not provided, all outputs are returned.
  • tweaks (Optional[Tweaks], optional): A dictionary of tweaks to customize the flow execution. The tweaks can be used to modify the flow's parameters and components. Tweaks can be overridden by the input values.
  • stream (bool, optional): Specifies whether the results should be streamed. Defaults to False.
  • session_id (Union[None, str], optional): An optional session ID to utilize existing session data for the flow execution.
  • api_key_user (User): The user associated with the current API key. Automatically resolved from the API key.


A RunResponse object containing the selected outputs (or all if not specified) of the executed flow and the session ID. The structure of the response accommodates multiple inputs, providing a nested list of outputs for each input.


HTTPException: Indicates issues with finding the specified flow, invalid input formats, or internal errors during flow execution.

Example usage:

POST /run/{flow_id}
x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY
"inputs": [
{"components": ["component1"], "input_value": "value1"},
{"components": ["component3"], "input_value": "value2"}
"outputs": ["Component Name", "component_id"],
"tweaks": {"parameter_name": "value", "Component Name": {"parameter_name": "value"}, "component_id": {"parameter_name": "value"}}
"stream": false

This endpoint facilitates complex flow executions with customized inputs, outputs, and configurations, catering to diverse application requirements.

Path Parameters
flow_id uuid REQUIRED
Request Body
inputs Inputs
outputs Outputs
stream Stream
session_id Session Id

Successful Response

outputs Outputs OPTIONAL
session_id Session Id OPTIONAL

Validation Error

detail object[] OPTIONAL
loc undefined[]
msg Message
type Error Type