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Deploy Langflow on Docker

This guide demonstrates deploying Langflow with Docker and Docker Compose.


Clone the repo and build the Langflow Docker container

  1. Clone the Langflow repository:

    git clone

  2. Navigate to the docker_example directory:

    cd langflow/docker_example

  3. Run the Docker Compose file:

    docker compose up

Langflow is now accessible at http://localhost:7860/.

Configure Docker services

The Docker Compose configuration spins up two services: langflow and postgres.

To configure values for these services at container startup, include them in your .env file.

An example .env file is available in the project repository.

To pass the .env values at container startup, include the flag in your docker run command:

docker run -it --rm \
-p 7860:7860 \
--env-file .env \

Langflow service

The langflowservice serves both the backend API and frontend UI of the Langflow web application.

The langflow service uses the langflowai/langflow:latest Docker image and exposes port 7860. It depends on the postgres service.

Environment variables:

  • LANGFLOW_DATABASE_URL: The connection string for the PostgreSQL database.
  • LANGFLOW_CONFIG_DIR: The directory where Langflow stores logs, file storage, monitor data, and secret keys.


  • langflow-data: This volume is mapped to /app/langflow in the container.

PostgreSQL service

The postgres service is a database that stores Langflow's persistent data including flows, users, and settings.

The service runs on port 5432 and includes a dedicated volume for data storage.

The postgres service uses the postgres:16 Docker image.

Environment variables:

  • POSTGRES_USER: The username for the PostgreSQL database.
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: The password for the PostgreSQL database.
  • POSTGRES_DB: The name of the PostgreSQL database.


  • langflow-postgres: This volume is mapped to /var/lib/postgresql/data in the container.

Deploy a specific Langflow version with Docker Compose

If you want to deploy a specific version of Langflow, you can modify the image field under the langflow service in the Docker Compose file. For example, to use version 1.0-alpha, change langflowai/langflow:latest to langflowai/langflow:1.0-alpha.

Package your flow as a Docker image

You can include your Langflow flow with the application image. When you build the image, your saved flow .JSON flow is included. This enables you to serve a flow from a container, push the image to Docker Hub, and deploy on Kubernetes.

An example flow is available in the Langflow Helm Charts repository, or you can provide your own JSON file.

  1. Create a project directory:

mkdir langflow-custom && cd langflow-custom

  1. Download the example flow or include your flow's .JSON file in the langflow-custom directory.


  1. Create a Dockerfile:

FROM langflowai/langflow:latest
RUN mkdir /app/flows
COPY ./*json /app/flows/.

The COPY ./*json command copies all JSON files in your current directory to the /flows folder.

  1. Build and run the image locally.

docker build -t myuser/langflow-hello-world:1.0.0 .
docker run -p 7860:7860 myuser/langflow-hello-world:1.0.0

  1. Build and push the image to Docker Hub. Replace myuser with your Docker Hub username.

docker build -t myuser/langflow-hello-world:1.0.0 .
docker push myuser/langflow-hello-world:1.0.0

To deploy the image with Helm, see Langflow runtime deployment.
