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A prompt is the input provided to a language model, consisting of multiple components and can be parameterized using prompt templates. A prompt template offers a reproducible method for generating prompts, enabling easy customization through input variables.


This component creates a prompt template with dynamic variables. This is useful for structuring prompts and passing dynamic data to a language model.


  • Template: The template for the prompt. This field allows you to create other fields dynamically by using curly brackets {}. For example, if you have a template like Hello {name}, how are you?, a new field called name will be created. Prompt variables can be created with any name inside curly brackets, e.g. {variable_name}.


The PromptTemplate component enables users to create prompts and define variables that control how the model is instructed. Users can input a set of variables which the template uses to generate the prompt when a conversation starts.

After defining a variable in the prompt template, it acts as its own component input.

  • template: The template used to format an individual request.

Hi, how can I help you?