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Model components in Langflow

Model components generate text using large language models.

Refer to your specific component's documentation for more information on parameters.

Use a model component in a flow

Model components receive inputs and prompts for generating text, and the generated text is sent to an output component.

The model output can also be sent to the Language Model port and on to a Parse Data component, where the output can be parsed into structured Data objects.

This example has the OpenAI model in a chatbot flow. For more information, see the Basic prompting flow.


This component creates a ChatOpenAI model instance using the AIML API.

For more information, see AIML documentation.


max_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate. Set to 0 for unlimited tokens. Range: 0-128000.
model_kwargsDictionaryAdditional keyword arguments for the model.
model_nameStringThe name of the AIML model to use. Options are predefined in AIML_CHAT_MODELS.
aiml_api_baseStringThe base URL of the AIML API. Defaults to
api_keySecretStringThe AIML API Key to use for the model.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Default: 0.1.
seedIntegerControls reproducibility of the job.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatOpenAI configured with the specified parameters.

Amazon Bedrock

This component generates text using Amazon Bedrock LLMs.

For more information, see Amazon Bedrock documentation.


model_idStringThe ID of the Amazon Bedrock model to use. Options include various models.
aws_access_keySecretStringAWS Access Key for authentication.
aws_secret_keySecretStringAWS Secret Key for authentication.
credentials_profile_nameStringName of the AWS credentials profile to use (advanced).
region_nameStringAWS region name. Default: us-east-1.
model_kwargsDictionaryAdditional keyword arguments for the model (advanced).
endpoint_urlStringCustom endpoint URL for the Bedrock service (advanced).


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatBedrock configured with the specified parameters.


This component allows the generation of text using Anthropic Chat and Language models.

For more information, see the Anthropic documentation.


max_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate. Set to 0 for unlimited tokens. Default: 4096.
modelStringThe name of the Anthropic model to use. Options include various Claude 3 models.
anthropic_api_keySecretStringYour Anthropic API key for authentication.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Default: 0.1.
anthropic_api_urlStringEndpoint of the Anthropic API. Defaults to if not specified (advanced).
prefillStringPrefill text to guide the model's response (advanced).


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatAnthropic configured with the specified parameters.

Azure OpenAI

This component generates text using Azure OpenAI LLM.

For more information, see the Azure OpenAI documentation.


NameDisplay NameInfo
Model NameModel NameSpecifies the name of the Azure OpenAI model to be used for text generation.
Azure EndpointAzure EndpointYour Azure endpoint, including the resource.
Deployment NameDeployment NameSpecifies the name of the deployment.
API VersionAPI VersionSpecifies the version of the Azure OpenAI API to be used.
API KeyAPI KeyYour Azure OpenAI API key.
TemperatureTemperatureSpecifies the sampling temperature. Defaults to 0.7.
Max TokensMax TokensSpecifies the maximum number of tokens to generate. Defaults to 1000.
Input ValueInput ValueSpecifies the input text for text generation.
StreamStreamSpecifies whether to stream the response from the model. Defaults to False.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of AzureOpenAI configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using Cohere's language models.

For more information, see the Cohere documentation.


NameDisplay NameInfo
Cohere API KeyCohere API KeyYour Cohere API key.
Max TokensMax TokensSpecifies the maximum number of tokens to generate. Defaults to 256.
TemperatureTemperatureSpecifies the sampling temperature. Defaults to 0.75.
Input ValueInput ValueSpecifies the input text for text generation.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of the Cohere model configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using DeepSeek's language models.

For more information, see the DeepSeek documentation.


max_tokensIntegerMaximum number of tokens to generate. Set to 0 for unlimited. Range: 0-128000.
model_kwargsDictionaryAdditional keyword arguments for the model.
json_modeBooleanIf True, outputs JSON regardless of passing a schema.
model_nameStringThe DeepSeek model to use. Default: deepseek-chat.
api_baseStringBase URL for API requests. Default:
api_keySecretStringYour DeepSeek API key for authentication.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in responses. Range: [0.0, 2.0]. Default: 1.0.
seedIntegerNumber initialized for random number generation. Use the same seed integer for more reproducible results, and use a different seed number for more random results.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatOpenAI configured with the specified parameters.

Google Generative AI

This component generates text using Google's Generative AI models.

For more information, see the Google Generative AI documentation.


NameDisplay NameInfo
Google API KeyGoogle API KeyYour Google API key to use for the Google Generative AI.
ModelModelThe name of the model to use, such as "gemini-pro".
Max Output TokensMax Output TokensThe maximum number of tokens to generate.
TemperatureTemperatureRun inference with this temperature.
Top KTop KConsider the set of top K most probable tokens.
Top PTop PThe maximum cumulative probability of tokens to consider when sampling.
NNNumber of chat completions to generate for each prompt.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatGoogleGenerativeAI configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using Groq's language models.

For more information, see the Groq documentation.


groq_api_keySecretStringAPI key for the Groq API.
groq_api_baseStringBase URL path for API requests. Default: (advanced).
max_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate (advanced).
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.1.
nIntegerNumber of chat completions to generate for each prompt (advanced).
model_nameStringThe name of the Groq model to use. Options are dynamically fetched from the Groq API.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatGroq configured with the specified parameters.

Hugging Face API

This component sends requests to the Hugging Face API to generate text using the model specified in the Model ID field.

The Hugging Face API is a hosted inference API for models hosted on Hugging Face, and requires a Hugging Face API token to authenticate.

In this example based on the Basic prompting flow, the Hugging Face API model component replaces the Open AI model. By selecting different hosted models, you can see how different models return different results.

  1. Create a Basic prompting flow.

  2. Replace the OpenAI model component with a Hugging Face API model component.

  3. In the Hugging Face API component, add your Hugging Face API token to the API Token field.

  4. Open the Playground and ask a question to the model, and see how it responds.

  5. Try different models, and see how they perform differently.

For more information, see the Hugging Face documentation.


model_idStringThe model ID from Hugging Face Hub. For example, "gpt2", "facebook/bart-large".
huggingfacehub_api_tokenSecretStringYour Hugging Face API token for authentication.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.7.
max_new_tokensIntegerMaximum number of tokens to generate. Default: 512.
top_pFloatNucleus sampling parameter. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.95.
top_kIntegerTop-k sampling parameter. Default: 50.
model_kwargsDictionaryAdditional keyword arguments to pass to the model.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of HuggingFaceHub configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using LM Studio's local language models.

For more information, see LM Studio documentation.


base_urlStringThe URL where LM Studio is running. Default: "http://localhost:1234".
max_tokensIntegerMaximum number of tokens to generate in the response. Default: 512.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Range: [0.0, 2.0]. Default: 0.7.
top_pFloatControls diversity via nucleus sampling. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 1.0.
stopList[String]List of strings that will stop generation when encountered (advanced).
streamBooleanWhether to stream the response. Default: False.
presence_penaltyFloatPenalizes repeated tokens. Range: [-2.0, 2.0]. Default: 0.0.
frequency_penaltyFloatPenalizes frequent tokens. Range: [-2.0, 2.0]. Default: 0.0.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of LMStudio configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using Maritalk LLMs.

For more information, see Maritalk documentation.


max_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate. Set to 0 for unlimited tokens. Default: 512.
model_nameStringThe name of the Maritalk model to use. Options: sabia-2-small, sabia-2-medium. Default: sabia-2-small.
api_keySecretStringThe Maritalk API Key to use for authentication.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.5.
endpoint_urlStringThe Maritalk API endpoint. Default:


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatMaritalk configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using MistralAI LLMs.

For more information, see Mistral AI documentation.


max_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate. Set to 0 for unlimited tokens (advanced).
model_nameStringThe name of the Mistral AI model to use. Options include open-mixtral-8x7b, open-mixtral-8x22b, mistral-small-latest, mistral-medium-latest, mistral-large-latest, and codestral-latest. Default: codestral-latest.
mistral_api_baseStringThe base URL of the Mistral API. Defaults to (advanced).
api_keySecretStringThe Mistral API Key to use for authentication.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Default: 0.5.
max_retriesIntegerMaximum number of retries for API calls. Default: 5 (advanced).
timeoutIntegerTimeout for API calls in seconds. Default: 60 (advanced).
max_concurrent_requestsIntegerMaximum number of concurrent API requests. Default: 3 (advanced).
top_pFloatNucleus sampling parameter. Default: 1 (advanced).
random_seedIntegerSeed for random number generation. Default: 1 (advanced).
safe_modeBooleanEnables safe mode for content generation (advanced).


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatMistralAI configured with the specified parameters.

Novita AI

This component generates text using Novita AI's language models.

For more information, see Novita AI documentation.


api_keySecretStringYour Novita AI API Key.
modelStringThe id of the Novita AI model to use.
max_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate. Set to 0 for unlimited tokens.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.7.
top_pFloatControls the nucleus sampling. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 1.0.
frequency_penaltyFloatControls the frequency penalty. Range: [0.0, 2.0]. Default: 0.0.
presence_penaltyFloatControls the presence penalty. Range: [0.0, 2.0]. Default: 0.0.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of Novita AI model configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using NVIDIA LLMs.

For more information, see NVIDIA AI documentation.


max_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate. Set to 0 for unlimited tokens (advanced).
model_nameStringThe name of the NVIDIA model to use. Default: mistralai/mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0.1.
base_urlStringThe base URL of the NVIDIA API. Default:
nvidia_api_keySecretStringThe NVIDIA API Key for authentication.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Default: 0.1.
seedIntegerThe seed controls the reproducibility of the job (advanced). Default: 1.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatNVIDIA configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using Ollama's language models.

For more information, see Ollama documentation.


NameDisplay NameInfo
Base URLBase URLEndpoint of the Ollama API.
Model NameModel NameThe model name to use.
TemperatureTemperatureControls the creativity of model responses.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of an Ollama model configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using OpenAI's language models.

For more information, see OpenAI documentation.


api_keySecretStringYour OpenAI API Key.
modelStringThe name of the OpenAI model to use. Options include "gpt-3.5-turbo" and "gpt-4".
max_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate. Set to 0 for unlimited tokens.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.7.
top_pFloatControls the nucleus sampling. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 1.0.
frequency_penaltyFloatControls the frequency penalty. Range: [0.0, 2.0]. Default: 0.0.
presence_penaltyFloatControls the presence penalty. Range: [0.0, 2.0]. Default: 0.0.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of OpenAI model configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using OpenRouter's unified API for multiple AI models from different providers.

For more information, see OpenRouter documentation.


api_keySecretStringYour OpenRouter API key for authentication.
site_urlStringYour site URL for OpenRouter rankings (advanced).
app_nameStringYour app name for OpenRouter rankings (advanced).
providerStringThe AI model provider to use.
model_nameStringThe specific model to use for chat completion.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Range: [0.0, 2.0]. Default: 0.7.
max_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate (advanced).


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatOpenAI configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using Perplexity's language models.

For more information, see Perplexity documentation.


model_nameStringThe name of the Perplexity model to use. Options include various Llama 3.1 models.
max_output_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate.
api_keySecretStringThe Perplexity API Key for authentication.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Default: 0.75.
top_pFloatThe maximum cumulative probability of tokens to consider when sampling (advanced).
nIntegerNumber of chat completions to generate for each prompt (advanced).
top_kIntegerNumber of top tokens to consider for top-k sampling. Must be positive (advanced).


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatPerplexity configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using Qianfan's language models.

For more information, see Qianfan documentation.


This component generates text using SambaNova LLMs.

For more information, see Sambanova Cloud documentation.


sambanova_urlStringBase URL path for API requests. Default:
sambanova_api_keySecretStringYour SambaNova API Key.
model_nameStringThe name of the Sambanova model to use. Options include various Llama models.
max_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate. Set to 0 for unlimited tokens.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.07.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of SambaNova model configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using Vertex AI LLMs.

For more information, see Google Vertex AI documentation.


credentialsFileJSON credentials file. Leave empty to fallback to environment variables. File type: JSON.
model_nameStringThe name of the Vertex AI model to use. Default: "gemini-1.5-pro".
projectStringThe project ID (advanced).
locationStringThe location for the Vertex AI API. Default: "us-central1" (advanced).
max_output_tokensIntegerThe maximum number of tokens to generate (advanced).
max_retriesIntegerMaximum number of retries for API calls. Default: 1 (advanced).
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Default: 0.0.
top_kIntegerThe number of highest probability vocabulary tokens to keep for top-k-filtering (advanced).
top_pFloatThe cumulative probability of parameter highest probability vocabulary tokens to keep for nucleus sampling. Default: 0.95 (advanced).
verboseBooleanWhether to print verbose output. Default: False (advanced).


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatVertexAI configured with the specified parameters.


This component generates text using xAI models like Grok.

For more information, see the xAI documentation.


max_tokensIntegerMaximum number of tokens to generate. Set to 0 for unlimited. Range: 0-128000.
model_kwargsDictionaryAdditional keyword arguments for the model.
json_modeBooleanIf True, outputs JSON regardless of passing a schema.
model_nameStringThe xAI model to use. Default: grok-2-latest.
base_urlStringBase URL for API requests. Default:
api_keySecretStringYour xAI API key for authentication.
temperatureFloatControls randomness in the output. Range: [0.0, 2.0]. Default: 0.1.
seedIntegerControls reproducibility of the job.


modelLanguageModelAn instance of ChatOpenAI configured with the specified parameters.