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Utilities are a set of actions that can be used to perform common tasks in a flow. They are available in the Utilities section in the sidebar.

GET Request

Make a GET request to the given URL.


  • URL: The URL to make the request to. There can be more than one URL, in which case the request will be made to each URL in order.
  • Headers: A dictionary of headers to send with the request.


  • List of Documents: A list of Documents containing the JSON response from each request.

POST Request

Make a POST request to the given URL.


  • URL: The URL to make the request to.
  • Headers: A dictionary of headers to send with the request.
  • Document: The Document containing a JSON object to send with the request.


  • Document: The JSON response from the request as a Document.

Update Request

Make a PATCH or PUT request to the given URL.


  • URL: The URL to make the request to.
  • Headers: A dictionary of headers to send with the request.
  • Document: The Document containing a JSON object to send with the request.
  • Method: The HTTP method to use for the request. Can be either PATCH or PUT.


  • Document: The JSON response from the request as a Document.

JSON Document Builder

Build a Document containing a JSON object using a key and another Document page content.


  • Key: The key to use for the JSON object.
  • Document: The Document page to use for the JSON object.


  • List of Documents: A list containing the Document with the JSON object.

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