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Data & Message

In Langflow, the Data and Message objects serve as structured, functional representations of data that enhance the capabilities and reliability of the platform.

The Data Object

The Data object is a Pydantic model that serves as a container for storing and manipulating data. It carries data—a dictionary that can be accessed as attributes—and uses text_key to specify which key in the dictionary should be considered the primary text content.

  • Main Attributes:
    • text_key: Specifies the key to retrieve the primary text data.
    • data: A dictionary to store additional data.
    • default_value: default value when the text_key is not present in the data dictionary.

Creating a Data Object

You can create a Data object by directly assigning key-value pairs to it. For example:

from langflow.schema import Data
# Creating a Data object with specified key-value pairs
data = Data(text="my_string", bar=3, foo="another_string")
# Outputs:
print(data.text) # Outputs: "my_string"
print( # Outputs: 3
print( # Outputs: "another_string"

The text_key specifies which key in the data dictionary should be considered the primary text content. The default_value provides a fallback if the text_key is not present.

# Creating a Data object with a specific text_key and default_value
data = Data(data={"title": "Hello, World!"}, text_key="content", default_value="No content available")
# Accessing the primary text using text_key and default_value
print(data.get_text()) # Outputs: "No content available" because "content" key is not in the data dictionary
# Accessing data keys by calling the attribute directly
print(data.title) # Outputs: "Hello, World!" because "title" key is in the data dictionary

The Data object is also convenient for visualization of outputs, since the output preview has visual elements to inspect data as a table and its cells as pop ups for basic types. The idea is to create a unified way to work and visualize complex information in Langflow.

To receive Data objects in a component input, you can use the DataInput input type.

The Message Object

The Message object extends the functionality of Data and includes additional attributes and methods for chat interactions.

  • Main Attributes:
    • text_key: Key to retrieve the primary text data.
    • text: The main text content of the message.
    • sender: Identifier for the sender (e.g., "User" or "AI").
    • sender_name: Name of the sender.
    • files: List of files associated with the message.
    • session_id: Identifier for the chat session.
    • timestamp: Timestamp when the message was created.
    • flow_id: Identifier for the flow.

The Message object can be used to send, store and manipulate chat messages within Langflow. You can create a Message object by directly assigning key-value pairs to it. For example:

from langflow.schema.message import Message
message = Message(text="Hello, AI!", sender="User", sender_name="John Doe")

To receive Message objects in a component input, you can use the MessageInput input type or MessageTextInput when the goal is to extract just the text field of the Message object.

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