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This guide will help you get LangFlow up and running using Docker and Docker Compose.


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Clone repo and build Docker container

  1. Clone the LangFlow repository:

    git clone

  2. Navigate to the docker_example directory:

    cd langflow/docker_example

  3. Run the Docker Compose file:

    docker compose up

LangFlow will now be accessible at http://localhost:7860/.

Docker Compose configuration

The Docker Compose configuration spins up two services: langflow and postgres.

LangFlow service

The langflow service uses the langflowai/langflow:latest Docker image and exposes port 7860. It depends on the postgres service.

Environment variables:

  • LANGFLOW_DATABASE_URL: The connection string for the PostgreSQL database.
  • LANGFLOW_CONFIG_DIR: The directory where LangFlow stores logs, file storage, monitor data, and secret keys.


  • langflow-data: This volume is mapped to /var/lib/langflow in the container.

PostgreSQL service

The postgres service uses the postgres:16 Docker image and exposes port 5432.

Environment variables:

  • POSTGRES_USER: The username for the PostgreSQL database.
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: The password for the PostgreSQL database.
  • POSTGRES_DB: The name of the PostgreSQL database.


  • langflow-postgres: This volume is mapped to /var/lib/postgresql/data in the container.

Switch to a specific LangFlow version

If you want to use a specific version of LangFlow, you can modify the image field under the langflow service in the Docker Compose file. For example, to use version 1.0-alpha, change langflowai/langflow:latest to langflowai/langflow:1.0-alpha.

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